Timeline and details: Partial Inconsistency and Vector Semantics of Programming Languages.
Reference paper: Michael Bukatin and Jon Anthony. Dataflow Matrix Machines and V-values: a Bridge between Programs and Neural Nets. In "K + K = 120" Festschrift, 2017.
The slides for my talk at IBM AI Systems Day 2018, Cambridge, MA, October 3, 2018: Dataflow Matrix Machines and V-values: a Bridge between Programs and Neural Nets (joint work with Jon Anthony).
(The file with slides https://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-lmandel/aisys18-bukatin.pdf has moved. This file is referenced in a number of PDFs on this page. Use https://web.archive.org/web/20220305051310/https://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-lmandel/aisys18-bukatin.pdf also known as https://tinyurl.com/ibm-aisys18-bukatin)
DMM technical report 11-2018. Dataflow matrix machines: recent experiments and notes for next steps. Preprint, November 2018.
Regularization in intrinsically sparse networks. An experimental study, February-March 2019.
A white paper on dataflow matrix machines: dmm-white-paper-2019.pdf (2 pages, November 2019).
2019 research notes on dataflow matrix machines.
An interdisciplinary and collaborative research agenda related to dataflow matrix machines: Version 1 (4 pages, December 2019).
Using streams of probabilistic samples in neural machines: dmm-probabilistic-samples.pdf (January 2020).
Synergy between AI-generating algorithms and dataflow matrix machines: synergy-dmm-ai-ga.pdf (March 2020).
An interdisciplinary and collaborative research agenda related to dataflow matrix machines: dmm-collaborative-research-agenda.pdf (7 pages, August 2020; updated December 2024).
Higher-order neuromorphic computations with linear streams. Extended abstract and slides for my CCC 2020 talk (September 3, 2020).
Towards practical use of dataflow matrix machines: towards-practical-dmms.pdf (March 2021; updated July 2023).
Multiplying monochrome images as matrices: A*B and softmax. A virtual poster presented at JuliaCon 2021 (July 2021)
Exploring synthesis of flexible neural machines with Zygote.jl (Materials for a JuliaCon 2023 talk, July 2023)