Mishka -- Linear Models of Computation, Finally -- Dec 2015

Abstract. At the end of 2015, we finally have a model of computation which allows us to continuously deform programs and, moreover, to represent large classes of programs by matrices of real numbers.


This is, in some sense, a continuation of my bio sketch written three years ago. Since 1984 we were studying continuous models of computations in hope to make the standard methods of applied mathematics to be applicable to spaces of programs. Those studies yielded a number of interesting mathematical results, but their original goal was not achieved until this year.

This year we finally obtained a solution to this problem, which looks fairly simple in retrospect. In this essay I would like to do a few things. I would like to briefly overview the essence of the solution in question, then to overview the trajectory which led us to this solution over the course of the last few years, and to try to meditate on the question why a solution as simple as this one seems to appear so late in the game.

This development does seem to open new possibilities for automated software synthesis. How big the impact of that will be remains to be seen.

The materials on the topic are collected on my Partial Inconsistency and Vector Semantics of Programming Languages page. The reference paper is Michael Bukatin and Steve Matthews, Linear Models of Computation and Program Learning, GCAI 2015, EasyChair Proceedings in Computing, 36, 66-78.

The solution

One wants to consider classes of computations which admit taking linear combinations of execution runs. Two well known large classes of computations with this property are probabilistic sampling and generalized animation. Both allow for enough higher-order constructions to make us believe that limiting consideration to either of these two classes is not a restriction of generality compared to general-purpose computations.

Since both probabilistic sampling and generalized animation represent stream-based computing architecture, it is natural to consider dataflow programming in this context. After experimenting with several different dataflow architectures, we arrived at the following.

If one takes a countable number of built-in stream transformers of one's choice (usually, one takes a finite number of those, and then considers a countable number of copies of each), one can then take each input to be a countable sum of all outputs.

The way to think about this is to say that the set of built-in transformers defines a language, and the coefficients in the countable sums define a program in that language. So a program is defined by a countable-sized matrix; usually one requires that only a finite number of those coefficients are non-zero in order to fit all this into a finite machine (although infinite limits might be of interest too).

Then one can change the program in a continuous fashion by continuously changing the matrix coefficients. Because a countable-size matrix has a countable number of matrix elements, one can compute the matrix elements themselves via the streams of real numbers computed by the program itself, thus enabling a variety of higher-order mechanisms (the continuous version of self-modifying code).

The history

Mathematical part. One of the key obstacles for converting domains for denotational semantics into vector spaces was broken vector algebra for some key approximation domains, notably interval numbers where the addition was not invertible. That was one of the reasons I paused my studies of domain theory 15 years ago.

The recent history of this development started with the talk, Inconsistent Partial Metric Spaces, given by Steve Matthews in July 2012, where he suggested to consider negative self-distances for inconsistent elements.

Then in October 2012 the three of us met at Akron, Ohio for American Mathematical Society Fall Central Sectional Meeting, and we realized that if we enrich interval numbers with the intervals of negative length then the result would be an additive group (it later turned out that this fact was rediscovered many, many times, the first discovery known to us being by Warmus in 1956; the resulting structure still remained not widely known; because there was no commonly accepted name for this structure, we retained our original name for it, partially inconsistent interval numbers). During that meeting Ralph Kopperman pointed out bitopological significance of this fact in the context of group dual topologies, and in particular the anti-monotonic nature of the resulting negation operation, and the presence of bitopological involution.

In February 2013, while preparing for the coming Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, we learned about another bitopological phenomenon related to partial inconsistency, namely d-frames of Jung and Moshier, closely related to bilattices. In the same month, Anthony Seda again pointed my attention to the work of Kozen on semantics of probabilistic programs, which used spaces allowing negative values of probabilities, and the presence of those negative values of probabilities was tightly connected to Hahn-Jordan decomposition of measures into positive and negative parts. This Hahn-Jordan decomposition looked very similar to the decomposition pattern into positive and negative parts in bilattices, this pattern being ubiquitous in the studies of paraconsistent and non-monotonic logic.

At that moment we realized that we had something remarkable on our hands, the new field unified by several common motives appearing multiple times: domains becoming tightly related to vector spaces, bitopology, bilattices, partial or graded contradictions, anti-monotonic inference, the pattern of decomposition into positive and negative parts, involutions, etc. For the lack of better name, we called that field partial inconsistency landscape.

In the Fall of 2013, Steve Rodabaugh hosted us in Youngstown, Ohio and shared with us another bitopological phenomenon relevant here: representation of lattice-valued bitopologies as topologies valued in bilattices. In 2014 we also learned about work on bicontinuous domains by Keimel. In 2013 and 2014, we obtained some mathematical results of our own in this field, mostly related to the domain of arrows, computations with involutions, distances valued in partially inconsistent interval numbers, isomorphism between partially inconsistent interval numbers for reals extended with infinities and the d-frame of (lower, upper) bitopology on reals, etc.

Applied part. We still were not quite sure how would we go from denotational vector semantics such as semantics developed by Kozen back to the realm of programs and to practical things we wanted to do with programs using the power of vector spaces. So we decided to turn to linear operational semantics, and to consider classes of computations admitting linear combinations of execution runs. The first joint preprint where we considered probabilistic sampling and generalized animations as examples of computations which had linear operational semantics appeared in March 2014. It was fortunate that we were familiar with the expressive power of animations and that methods based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling and probabilistic programming were on upswing.

In the Winter and Spring of 2015, thanks to the discussions with our colleagues working in biology, we realized that while conventional programming architectures didn't allow to represent regulation of gene expression in the context of genetic programming, linear models of computations would allow to represent regulation of gene expression. This was a strong indication that we were on the right track, given that our original motivation was to a large extent that continuous models of computations should allow for faster and more robust evolution of programs compared to brittle discrete software architectures.

Another point which should be noted here is that methods of adaptive probabilistic sampling and methods of evolutionary computations seem to be closely related, but this does not seem to be widely known or acknowledged.

Since both probabilistic sampling and generalized animation represent stream-based computing architecture, it is natural to consider dataflow programming in this context. Between May and August of 2015 we experimented with several different dataflow architectures and arrived at the solution described above. These experiments are published as open source software together with associated demo videos and described in detail in two preprints posted on the Partial Inconsistency and Vector Semantics of Programming Languages page in July and August, so one can see from those preprints and from Fall 2015 slide decks how our thinking on this matter evolved.

What took so long?

In retrospect, the obtained solution, both programming with streams admitting linear combinations, and the architecture of the "matrix machine", look very simple.

So there is a natural question here: what prevented us from obtaining this solution earlier, even in the mid-1980-s? No special knowledge seems to be required to find this solution, and the domain theory does not seem to be required (although it might turn useful yet in this context in the future, because the potential is there to transfer the results and understanding from the partial inconsistency landscape to the discipline of programming with linear models).

Also this solution seems to be new, to the best of our current knowledge. If it turns out not to be new, then it is certainly not widely known. So, the question is, what prevented others from finding this solution, given how simple it looks (or what prevented them from disseminating it widely enough for it to become known)?

In our case, I think, we were looking for a more sophisticated, more complicated solution. We did not expect it to be quite that simple (given that we wanted higher-order programming, and interpreters and compilers, and evolution of evolutionary schemes, and evolution of evolution of evolutionary schemes, etc., to be accommodated). It is the existence of the partial inconsistency landscape with its remarkable mathematics which made us first suspect that linear models might be sufficient.

We also did not realize that linear models of computations are so powerful. It is the advances of probabilistic programming community in the "sampling the samplers" paradigm demonstrated in recent years, and especially in 2014, which made us realize that adaptive probabilistic sampling is sufficiently powerful on its own as a software platform (because one can probabilistically sample all kinds of objects, including programs and their fragments), and this encouraged us to look more closely at the animations and to realize that adaptive animations are also sufficiently powerful (and essentially universal) as a software platform on their own (because one can "variably illuminate" all kinds of sophisticated structures and modulate their functioning in this fashion; in our case, we just ended up "variably illuminating" matrix elements on the fly, thus modifying the program).

Why have not we encountered this solution before, authored by someone else? My experience so far is that the most prominent reaction to this story is a surprise that we are essentially bringing something very similar to the old method of analog computations back into the digital world, and that we can do it in such a way as to have full power of higher-order programming constructions (which was not the case with the traditional analog computers). Perhaps, this association, "software = digital = discrete", is so powerful that it has sufficiently decreased the chances of finding this solution or of taking it seriously.

Possible consequences

This development does seem to open new possibilities for automated software synthesis. How big the impact of that will be remains to be seen. These new methods seem to have good potential both for automatically deriving adaptive interfaces connecting pre-existing software components, and for automatically deriving adaptive software from scratch.

We are seeing an explosion of applied AI methods around us. It is certainly happening slower than I expected and predicted, but it is still happening very fast. However, the key question is what will be the speed and nature of automation of software engineering itself, and also of research. In this sense, the potential emergence of the new ways of software synthesis might be quite important.

One question we might ask is how alien the AI aesthetics and the human aesthetics would be to each other. For me, the first indication that it might be possible for them to be not completely alien to each other on the fundamental level was emergence of Google's Deep Dream this Summer. In this sense, the fact that natural and digital animations of various kinds (including audio) are quite organic for the architecture based on linear models is encouraging in terms of the chances of having a situation when the AI aesthetics and the human aesthetics have something in common.

Mishka --- December 2015

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